Zello Work API Reference
Version: 1.1.0
The Zello Work API offers an easy way to interact with Zello servers in order to manipulate users and channels from your application. The API complements the Zello push-to-talk SDK which allows you to seamlessly integrate push-to-talk into your Android, or Windows application.
The API is based on JSON over HTTP protocol.
Requests are sent using GET and POST HTTP requests, server responses are returned in HTTP response body and
presented in JSON. Each response includes "status" and "code" fields,
indicating the response success status or error details. In the case of success, code is "200" and
status is "OK". Successful response example:
Error response example:
The list of possible error codes.
All values you send to the server as GET parameters must be
url-encoded. Most programming languages offer
functions to accomplish this, such as urlencode() in PHP,
encodeURIComponent() in JavaScript, and
URLEncoder.encode() in Java).
Security model
API key
To access the API you need to enable API access in your Zello Work admin console or in the Zello Enterprise Server configuration file as follows:
- Zello Work: Log in to the admin console. On the Dashboard under Account section click Get API key
- Zello Enterprise Server: Set API_KEY define in common_params.cfg.php to any alpha-numeric sequence.
Application authentication
Before accessing the API functions the application must authenticate using API key and administrative user
username and password. If authentication was successful the Session ID returned should be use
for all future API calls. See authentication methods description for details.
When the application ends working with the API (for example the user logs out) it should use
logout API method to end the session and clear the Session ID.
Zello Work API client libraries
To simplify the use of the API we offer client libraries for PHP, Java, C#, Objective C, and Swift:
This document uses the following notation for requests description:
- Curly brackets "{}" denote parameter values. When using the API replace them with the actual values i.e
GET user/get/login/{username} becomes
GET user/get/login/Test1, where Test1 is the username of the user for which you want to get the details.
- Square brackets "[]" denote optional parameters. I.e. in GET user/get[/login/{username}] request specifying /login/{username} part of the URL is optional.
Responses format is JSON, where "{", "}", "[", and "]" are part of the syntax.
POST methods format uses two lines, separated by an empty line:
POST /something <- Request URL
foo=bar&a=b <- Request data
API methods
Gets security token — login first phase.
Request format:
GET /user/gettoken
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
token | String | Secure token required for login API method. |
sid | String | Session ID. Pass this value as sid GET parameter to all successful API calls. |
Successful response example:
Authenticates the user and starts API session — login second phase.
Request format:
POST /user/login?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
username | POST | Username of the administrative user accessing the app. |
password | POST | Authentication passphrase constructed as md5(md5({password}) + {token} + {api_key}). That is md5 hash of md5 of user's password concatenated with the token received in response to gettoken and concatenated with API key. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Logs user out and ends the session.
Request format:
GET /user/logout?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Users management
Gets the list of the users or detailed information regarding a particular user.
Request format:
GET /user/get[/login/{login}][/gateway/{gateway}][/max/{max}][/start/{start}]?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
login | GET | (Optional) Username of the user to fetch. If omitted all users will be returned. |
gateway | GET | (Optional) Gateway users filter. Set to "true" for gateways, omit for normal users. |
max | GET | (Optional) Maximum number of results to fetch. |
start | GET | (Optional) Index of the first result to fetch. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
users | Array | An array containing user details objects. See response example below. |
limits | Object | Restrictions on number of users and gateways imposed by your current service plan or license. See response example below. |
canAddUsers | Boolean | Indicates, whether more users can be added. |
canAddGateways | Boolean | Indicates, whether more gateways can be added. |
Successful response example:
"name":"A very long user name",
"full_name":"Алексей Гаврилов",
"channels":["Test", "Shared"]
Adds or updates the user. If username exists, the user is updated, otherwise new user is created.
Request format:
POST /user/save?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
name | POST | Username of the user to be updated. If user doesn't exist the new one is created. |
password | POST | (Optional if user already exists) The md5 hash of the new user password. |
email | POST | (Optional) User's e-mail address. Required for forgot password function. |
profile_phone | POST | (Optional) User's phone number in international format, country code required (+ sign at the beginning is not required). |
full_name | POST | (Optional) Alias used to display the user in contacts. |
job | POST | (Optional) User position. |
admin | POST | (Optional) "true" or "false". Grant or not web-console (and API) access to that user. Default is "false". |
limited_access | POST | (Optional) "true" or "false". Restrict or not user's ability to start one-on-one conversations. Default is "false". |
gateway | POST | (Optional) "true" or "false". Defines whether the user a gateway. Default is "false". |
tags | POST | (Optional) A comma separated list of tag names to assign to the user, like "tag1,tag2". Default is empty (no tags assigned). |
add | POST | (Optional) "true" or "false". Force adding a user. If this parameter is set to "true" the method will give an error when trying to update existing user. Default is "false". |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Deletes users.
Request format:
POST /user/delete?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be deleted. Here is an example of logins array formatted as POST array.
represents the following array
["test", "test 2", "test3"] |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Request example:
POST /user/delete?sid=cf48c88ac8732da3bc88bf9b6858ec85
Successful response example:
Adds users to the channel.
Request format:
POST /user/addto/{channel}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
channel | GET | Channel name. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be added to the channel. See user/delete
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Adds users to channels.
Request format:
POST /user/addtochannels?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
users | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be added to the channels.
channels | POST array | An array of channel names for users to be added to.
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Removes users from the channel.
Request format:
POST /user/removefrom/{channel}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
channel | GET | Channel name. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be removed from the channel. See user/delete
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Removes users from channels.
Request format:
POST /user/removefromchannels?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
users | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be removed from the channels.
channels | POST array | An array of channel names for users to be removed from.
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Adds users to the user's direct contacts.
Request format:
POST /user/addcontactsto/{username}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
username | GET | Username of the user, where the contacts will be added. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be added to the contacts. See user/delete
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Removes users from direct contacts of the user.
Request format:
POST /user/removecontactsfrom/{username}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
username | GET | Username of the user from who the contacts will be removed. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be removed from the direct contacts. See user/delete
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Assigns a template to a set of users.
Request format:
POST /user/assigntemplate/name/{template}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to the gettoken call. |
template | GET | The name of the template that will be assigned. Use empty string to reset template assignment. |
users | POST array | An array of usernames of users to assign the template. See user/delete
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Request example:
POST /user/assigntemplate/name/drivers?sid=cf48c88ac8732da3bc88bf9b6858ec85
Successful response example:
Channels management
Gets the list of the channels or detailed information regarding a particular channel.
Request format:
GET /channel/get[/name/{name}][/max/{max}][/start/{start}][/tags/{tags}][/search/{search}]?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
name | GET | (Optional) Name of the channel to fetch. If omitted all channels will be returned. |
max | GET | (Optional) Maximum number of results to fetch. |
start | GET | (Optional) Index of the first result to fetch. |
tags | GET | (Optional) A comma separated list of tag names to filter returned channels, e.g. "tag1,tag2". |
search | GET | (Optional) Text to filter the returned list by partial, case-insensitive match of the channel name, e.g. "zello" could return channels "Zello", "Zello 1", "Zello 2". |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
channels | Array | An array containing channel details objects. See response example below. |
Successful response example:
"created": "2024-05-08 12:36:19",
"created": "2024-05-08 12:36:19",
"created": "2024-05-08 12:36:19",
Adds a new channel.
Request format:
GET /channel/add/name/{name}[/shared/{shared}][/invisible/{invisible}][/tags/{tags}]?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
name | GET | Channel name. If channel with such name already exists the error will be returned. |
shared | GET | (Optional) "true" or "false". Set to "true" to create group channel, set to "false" to create dynamic channel. Default is "false" |
invisible | GET | (Optional) "true" or "false". Set to "true" in combination with shared=true to create a hidden group channel. When combined with shared=false the behavior is not defined. Default is "false" |
tags | GET | (Optional) A comma separated list of tag names to assign to the channel, like "tag1,tag2". Default is empty (no tags assigned). |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Deletes channels.
Request format:
POST /channel/delete?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
name | POST array | An array of names of channels to be deleted. See user/delete |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Successful response example:
Get channel roles list.
Request format:
GET /channel/roleslist/name/{name}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
name | GET | Channel name. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
roles | Array | An array containing channel roles objects list. See response example below. |
Successful response example:
"roles": [{
"name": "dispatchers",
"settings": {
"listen_only": false,
"no_disconnect": true,
"allow_alerts": true,
"to": ["dispatchers", "dispatchers", "drivers", "security"]
}, {
"name": "drivers",
"settings": {
"listen_only": false,
"no_disconnect": true,
"allow_alerts": false,
"to": ["dispatchers"]
}, {
"name": "security",
"settings": {
"listen_only": true,
"no_disconnect": true,
"allow_alerts": true,
"to": []
}, {
"name": "superusers",
"settings": {
"listen_only": false,
"no_disconnect": false,
"allow_alerts": true,
"to": []
Create or update channel role.
Request format:
POST /channel/saverole/channel/{channelname}/name/{name}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
channelname | GET | Channel name. |
name | GET | Role name. If role with this name already exists, it will be updated with new params. |
settings | POST | Role settings. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Request example:
POST /channel/saverole/channel/Everyone/name/drivers?sid=cf48c88ac8732da3bc88bf9b6858ec85
settings={"listen_only": false, "no_disconnect": true, "allow_alerts": false, "to": ["dispatchers"]}
Successful response example:
Assign users to a channel role (or reset assignments).
Request format:
POST /channel/addtorole/channel/{channelname}/name/[{rolename}]/?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
channelname | GET | Channel name. |
name | GET | Role name. If role name is empty, role assignments are being reset for these users. |
login | POST array | An array of usernames of users to be assigned to this role in this channel. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Request example:
POST /channel/addtorole/channel/Everyone/name/drivers?sid=cf48c88ac8732da3bc88bf9b6858ec85
Successful response example:
Delete channel role(s). When channel role is deleted, role assignments are being reset to users who was assigned to this tole.
Request format:
POST /channel/deleterole/channel/{channelname}/?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name | Type | Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
channelname | GET | Channel name. |
roles | POST array | An array of roles names to delete. |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
Request example:
POST /channel/deleterole/channel/Everyone?sid=cf48c88ac8732da3bc88bf9b6858ec85
Successful response example:
Zello recordings access
Returns metadata for saved history messages based on filtering criteria, specified in the request. All filters are optional, the last 100 messages from the network are returned by default.
Request format:
POST /history/getmetadata?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name |
Type |
Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
sender |
String |
(Optional) Username of the user, who sent the messages. If omitted messages from all senders will be
included. |
recipient |
String |
(Optional) Username of the user, who received the messages (either directly or through a channel).
If omitted the messages to all recipients will be included. |
via_channel |
String |
(Optional) If provided, limit messages returned to the messages, delivered through specified channel.
Setting this filter automatically overrides is_channel filter to true. |
is_channel |
Boolean |
(Optional) If set to true, only messages sent through channels will be included. If set to false only direct messages will be included. If omitted all messages will be included.
type |
String |
(Optional) Filter by media type. Supported values are:
If omitted all media types will be included. |
text |
String |
(Optional) Text to search in call alerts text |
call_id |
Integer |
(Optional) Filter by dispatch call id. If provided, only messages associated with the specified call will be returned.
eid |
String |
(Optional) Filter by external id. If provided, only messages associated with the specified id will be
eid will not be set by default. SDK consumers can optionally specify it when sending a message through
the SDK. |
start_ts |
Integer |
(Optional) Epoch timestamp. If provided only messages sent after the specified time will be
returned. |
end_ts |
Integer |
(Optional) Epoch timestamp. If provided only messages sent before the specified time will be returned.
Must be greater than start_ts. |
start_id |
Integer |
(Optional) If provided, only messages with id equal or greater than start_id will be included in the
response. |
end_id |
Integer |
(Optional) If provided, only messages with id equal or less than end_id will be included in the response.
Must be greater or equal to start_id. |
max |
Integer |
(Optional) Maximum number of messages to include in the response. Used for pagination of results.
start |
Integer |
(Optional) The index of the first message to include in the response. Used for pagination of
results. |
sort |
String |
(Optional) Field that result messages will be sorted by. By default results are sorted by id field. All fields from message object can be used for sorting except channel_users and text |
sort_order |
String |
(Optional) Sort direction. Supported values are: desc and asc. Default is desc |
Response fields:
Name |
Type |
Description |
status |
String |
Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code |
String |
Status code — "200" or error code. |
total |
Integer |
Total number of messages matching the query |
returned |
Integer |
Number of messages returned. It may be less than total due to effect of max attribute and also limitations set by the API.
messages |
Array |
An array of JSON objects, representing history metadata. The results are sorted in reverse chronological
order (newest first). |
message object fields
Name |
Type |
Description |
id |
Integer |
Message id. Message id is auto-increment field uniquely identifying messages. |
type |
String |
Message media or event type. Supported values are:
- voice
- image
- call_alert
- start_call
- take_call
- end_call
ts |
Integer |
Epoch timestamp of when the message was sent |
call_id |
Integer |
Dispatch call ID associated with the message. |
call_id_short |
Integer |
An abbreviated form of the dispatch call ID associated with the message (may NOT be unique across pages) |
eid |
String |
External ID of the message.
Note: This field will only be present if original message had it. |
sender |
String |
Username of the sender of the message |
recipient [1] |
String |
Username or channel name |
dispatch_call_recipient |
String |
The username of the receiver of a call message |
recipient_type |
String |
The type of recipient associated with the message. Values are:
- user
- channel
- dispatch_call
media_key |
String |
Key which can be used to download media associated with the message.
Note: This field won't be present if the type of message is call_alert |
duration |
Integer |
Voice message duration in milliseconds.
Note: This field will only be present if type of the message is voice |
channel_users |
Array |
An array of strings, representing usernames of users, who received the message through a channel.
Note: This field will only be present recipient_type is channel. |
image_ts |
Integer |
Epoch timestamp of when the image was taken
Note: This field may only be present if type of the message is image. In some cases this timestamp will be unavailable.
image_source |
String |
"camera" or "library"
Note: This field will only be present if type of the message is image. |
text |
String |
Call alert text as sent in the message. It could be empty.
Note: This field will only be present if type of the message is call_alert. |
transcription |
String |
Voice message transcription. It could be empty.
Note: This field will only be present if type of the message is voice. |
transcription_inaccurate |
String |
"yes" is transcription is inaccurate and "no" otherwise. |
Successful response example:
"status": "OK",
"code": "200",
"total": 532,
"returned": 20,
"messages": [
"id": 5634258,
"type": "voice",
"ts": 1418944471,
"recipient_type": "channel",
"duration": 9200,
"channel_users": ["john","chris","molly","admin"]
"id": 5634257,
"type": "voice",
"ts": 1418904471,
"recipient_type": "channel",
"duration": 12100,
"channel_users": ["john","chris","molly","alex"]
"id": 5634256,
"type": "image",
"ts": 1418844400,
"recipient_type": "user",
"image_ts": 1418840400,
"image_source": "camera"
"id": 5634255,
"type": "call_alert",
"ts": 1418834000,
"recipient_type": "user",
"text":"Zello me!"
Requests media by media key from the recording server.
Depending on media type it may require additional time on conversion. The client must use long-poll method and keep the connection open until it receives server response, or there is a timeout.
The timeout should be set to at least 30 seconds. If the request was terminated on timeout without server returning any error, it needs to be repeated.
Since the operation is CPU intensive and potentially long running there will be throttling limiting the maximum number of concurrent requests per network and API key.
Request format:
GET /history/getmedia/key/{key}?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name |
Type |
Description |
sid | GET | Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
key |
String |
Media key extracted from metadata, retrieved using history/getmetadata call. |
Response fields:
Name |
Type |
Description |
status |
String |
Status message — "OK", "Waiting", "Working" or error
description. |
code |
String |
Status code — "200", "201", "202" or error code. |
type |
String |
Media type. Supported media types are:
url |
String |
Use this URL to download the media.
Note that the URL may be https and may include redirects. |
expires |
Integer |
Epoch timestamp when the cached media expires. If you try to download it after, you'll get 404 Not
Found error. |
progress |
Integer |
Current operation progress in %. Will be sent by server periodically if operation taking longer than 20
seconds to complete. The status will be set to "Waiting" (then progress reflects operation place
in execution queue) or "Working" (then progress will reflect conversion progress). |
Successful response examples
Voice media is ready
"status": "OK",
"code": "200",
"type": "voice",
"url": "https://mesh.zellowork.com/media/8417df672fff10c141e36c97.mp3",
"expires": 1418834000
Image media is ready
"status": "OK",
"code": "200",
"type": "image",
"url": "https://mesh.zellowork.com/media/8417df672fff10c141e36c97.jpg",
"expires": 1418834060
Conversion is in progress
"status": "Waiting",
"code": "200",
"type": "voice",
"progress": 0
Location Services
Retrieves current location data for users in your network based on given
query criteria.
Request format:
GET /location/get?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name |
Request Type |
Field Type |
Description |
sid |
String |
Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
northeast |
Float Array |
The latitude/longitude pair of the top right corner of a bounding box. These should be passed as a tuple, ie
northeast%5B%5D=32.872653601619405&northeast%5B%5D=-96.70730593579101 |
southwest |
Float Array |
The latitude/longitude pair of the bottom left corner of a bounding box. These should be passed as a tuple, ie
southwest%5B%5D=32.79563084997798&southwest%5B%5D=-96.89785006420898 |
name |
String |
(Optional) Text to match specific usernames or display names |
filter |
String |
Filter criteria to apply to results. By default, only active users (reports within the last 20 minutes) within
the given geographic bounds will be returned.
Value | Description |
active |
Returns all active users, not just those within the given bounding box |
none |
Returns all users regardless of status and geography |
start |
Integer |
(Optional) The starting index of results to return, 0-based. Defaults to 0 |
max |
Integer |
(Optional) The maximum number of results to return. Defaults to a system page size, usually 100 |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
total | Integer | The total number of users with locations |
returned | Integer | The number of users returned in this response |
locations | Array of Objects | Contains location data for qualifying users. |
locations object fields
Name | Type | Description |
username | String | The name of the user |
displayName | String | The display name of the user |
latitude | Float | The latitude of the user's last reported location |
longitude | Float | The longitude of the user's last reported location |
speed | Float | The speed, in km/h (or miles/hr if requested by the speedUnits parameter), at the time of the user's last report |
heading | Float | The heading, or bearing, of the location at the time of the last report |
altitude | Float | The elevation in meters of the last report |
batteryLevel | Integer | The battery level of the device at the time of the last report, on a scale from 0-100 |
chargingStatus | Integer | The charging status of the device, 0 = unknown, 1 = charging, 2 = plugged in |
signalStrength | Float | The cellular signal strength at the time of the last report |
accuracy | Float | The accuracy, in meters, of the positional fix from the last report |
visible | Boolean | Whether the user is within the bounds of the box specified on the request |
status | String | The application status at the time of the last report - 'standby', 'online' |
geoTrackingDisabled | Boolean | Whether location reporting is administratively disabled for this user |
lastReport | Integer | The epoch time (seconds) of the last report |
lastReportDelay | Integer | The age of the report, in seconds |
Successful response example:
Retrieves current location data for users in your network based on given
query criteria.
Request format:
GET /location/getuser/{username}[/history]?sid={sid}
Request fields:
Name |
Request Type |
Field Type |
Description |
username |
Path |
String |
Username of the user whose location data to retrieve |
history |
Path |
String |
(Optional) If present and enabled for your network, will retrieve historical location data |
sid |
String |
Session ID received in response to gettoken call. |
start_ts |
Integer |
For history, the unix timestamp of the start date and time to retrieve history |
end_ts |
Integer |
For history, the unix timestamp of the end date and time to retrieve history |
format |
String |
(Optional) For history, the response format. The only supported value is geojson , which
will return locations as a GeoJson feature collection. |
speedUnits |
String |
(Optional) For history, the units for speed values. Supported values are mph (miles per hour) and
kmh (kilometers per hour). If no units are specified, kilometers per hour is the default. |
start |
Integer |
(Optional) The starting index of results to return, 0-based. Defaults to 0 |
max |
Integer |
(Optional) The maximum number of results to return. Defaults to a system page size, usually 100 |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Status message — "OK" or error description. |
code | String | Status code — "200" or error code. |
total | Integer | The total number of locations in the given time period |
returned | Integer | The number of locations returned in this response |
locations | Array of Locations |
Location records with a subset of the fields described above.
The following fields will not be present: username, displayName, visible,
geoTrackingDisabled, status, and lastReportDelay.
An additional id field of type GUID will represent the unique ID of the report.
Successful response example:
Error codes
Code | Description |
301 | Unauthenticated. User credentials missing. |
302 | Unauthorized. Login is OK but the user doesn't have admin rights. |
303 | Invalid username or password. |
305 | Missing auth token. |
400 | Bad request. Most likely a typo in the method name. |
404 | Resource not found. User or channel requested doesn't exist |
405 | Resource already exists. |
407 | Limits reached. The license or service plan doesn't allow to add more users. |
501 | Database error. |
504 | Error communicating to Zello login server. |
519 | Zello login server retuned an error. |
520 | Server failed to update user's password. |
605 | Missing required parameters. |
[1] Multi-recipient messages (supported in Windows only), are a client-side feature and will be saved separately for each recipient despite having the same content.